Termite Season: 5 Ways to Prevent Termites Invade Indoors
One of the things people hate to do in summer is to prevent termites from invading our space. They come as flying termites, and fly into our offices, apartments, and other buildings. Once they lose their wings, they turn into colonizers, building nests, building armies, and preparing to destroy anything built out of wood.
If they have a foothold indoors, it is a catastrophe. If we want to avoid hiring pest exterminators, we must prepare.
There are 5 ways to have a head start to keep termites away. Once you do them, the chance of being conquered will be diminished effectively.
This is Antlerium PotatoNews, a series focusing on the daily lives of ordinary people, including life tips. Today we explore 5 ways to prevent termites invade indoors.

1. Always close windows during rain
Close windows during and shortly after rain. Termites love wet atmosphere. They are the most active during and shortly after a summer rain. So closing windows during rainfall can prevent most flying termites to get inside.

2. Make good use of blackout curtains
Close blackout curtains at night. Bugs love to fly approach light sources. If sunlight is unavailable, bugs with wings will choose artificial light sources including indoor lights. If you do not want your place to attract flying termites, close blackout curtains. Even if your curtains fail to block all light, it is still better to close them, and block our indoor light as much as possible.

3. Install insect screen
Utilize insect screens to block flying termites. As the hole of insect screens is small enough to block mosquitoes, it is also good for blocking bigger bugs like termites. When you use insect screens, even if your windows are open, termites cannot fly in.

4. Close all unnecessary lights
Turn off lights that you do not need, as they can be targeted by flying termites. Although using curtain can prevent termites from spotting the light, it is not a perfect solution. Turn off unused light is the best option. You can guarantee light-chasing termite avoid your place, while saving electricity.

5. Combat them indoors
Eliminate any termites before they drop their wings. In case you have not used the 4 tips above and termites are flying in, you have to deal with them by force.
If they are still flying, hit them with a mosquito swatter. If they hit the ground, vacuum them up. Never spare any termites.

Survive any wave of termite attacks
These are the tips to prevent termites invading indoors. To learn more about life tips or other topics related to our ordinary life, make sure to follow PotatoNews. We will also post some cliffsnotes on our socials, make sure to follow them.
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