
Antlerium Keywords is a place to find vocabulary from all walks of life. We share terminologies from different fields, names of interesting people and events, weird phrases, and sometimes we share foreign expressions.

The origin of "Keywords"

After PotatoNews was launched, a sub-series for introducing terms and phrases was created.

Originally there were a lot of Keywords articles. During our rebranding in June 2023, we dropped Keywords series entirely, thinking it was too broad.

But since working on Keywords has far less workload than PotatoNews, we restarted it in August 2023.

Keywords now exist as a series on its own.

What do Keywords articles from March 2022 to May 2023 look like?

As a sub-series of PotatoNews, the writing style of Keywords articles from March 2022 to May 2023 also resembled PotatoNews. Technically, the first article on Antlerium after introducing PotatoNews is a Keywords article. Interesting Facts about Religions (2022-03-29) is the very first Keywords article.
After rebranding, we are writing in a very different style. The new style starts with Eye-catching Etymology of European countries (2023-05-23). While this is the second-last old Keywords article, it gets very close to the new style.