Announcement 08-2023
Antlerium announcement of August 2023.
It's time to release merch. From now on there are listing products on the Shop page, although purchase is disabled until I create a commercial bank account.
The new style is getting solid at this point, so I will design merchandise again.
The system to produce PotatoNews is ready, posting on social media is the main focus and it is consistent, and web articles are released every week.
My health problem disrupted my schedule last month, although I want to keep the post schedule consistent, I often had to take a break. This is not burn-out, this is headache. Chronic insomnia can get you brainless. I try to think it is just temporary, but now I am not that certain.
But I cannot stop, Antlerium cannot stop, if I need to dedicate my task, I need to make Antlerium profit so I can pay people. I will keep researching how to manage an Internet business and make Antlerium great.
Thank you for your attention.

All of our socials will simultaneously release the notice, make sure to follow them so you won't miss our latest development.