Announcement 11-2024
Antlerium announcement of November 2024.
This month, I am launching an official YouTube channel. Videos made there will also be shown on this website, and each transcription will become a dedicated article.
While the videos are in Cantonese, this site supports English, so people can also read the video transcriptions here in English.
I go with a virtual youtuber personna, namely Sydney Li, a vampire that lusts for knowledge. I know it is awkward for a man to play as a female, but if you stumble into this site, you definitely know this is a long-time idea. I teased this for years.

Notice that the videos I publish do not truly align with what you see in PotatoNews. There will be new series.
Until I truly master video editing, I will post my video in the "dump before video editing" playlist.
Thank you for your attention.

All of our socials will simultaneously release the notice, make sure to follow them so you won't miss our latest development.