Our Instagram Strategy Is Ending

A sudden but important announcement.

Officially, we will stop focusing on running Instagram.

What I found out posting on Instagram

Remember that I said I have to focus on social media? I spent half a month focusing on Instagram, and the initial goal was to force myself to prepare rich media to improve the SEO of my articles on Google.

Sure, some posts received likes, but our follower count did not grow.

Also, this bought no one to our website.

Imagine this, I spent 5 days to research methods to improve sleep quality. I posted 5 days in a row, being as informative as possible.

What did I get in return? 1 view! How terrible!

5 days of consistent posting on Instagram, only 1 view? Not to mention that that view count comes from someone I personally know.

Not gonna lie, the stats is pretty bad.

So, experiment over

Research PotatoNews takes time, and the time spent on the main articles is quite long. First, English is my second language. Second, SEO is a huge challenge. I cannot squeeze more time into preparing Instagram feed, which is tested to be 0% beneficial but 100% a waste of my time.

I pay nothing and try to believe in natural growth, but our main content PotatoNews in general is not performing well on Instagram, and is not working at all.

So, can I put that much effort into Instagram? No! My sanity is telling me to stop.

Experiment over, no more daily Inst feeds, and let's try something else.

What is the next approach?

If I decide to stop, I have to think of a new strategy.

I can think of 3 strategies that can be implemented ASAP.

  • Back to Pinterest
    • When I start my blogging journey back in 2022, the first tutorials I read are on Pinterest. It is suggested that bloggers have to work on SEO on Google and managing Pinterest for consistent blog traffic.
  • Template Refine
    • Graphic creation can take a lot of time without layout and character templates. I will spend some time reviewing my template. Also, if the existing templates are not enough to speed up my workflow, I will make more templates. (vector is a must)
  • Again, New Series
    • I can start a new series implementing the fastest workflow possible. I may consider relaunching the Keywords series (which was under PotatoNews in 2022, but as we have rebranded, it can be revived as a series on its own).

Thank you for your attention.

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