
Antlerium PotatoNews is the very first project of Antlerium. PotatoNews focus on the daily lives of ordinary people. We share content about various aspects of life, including items, occupations, cultural customs, social issues, life tips, and sometimes we share or even conduct practical tests.

Why naming it "PotatoNews?"

Antlerium was launched in March 2022. To settle on a series to start content creation, Stanley looked through several online contents and decided to kickstart with an informative series.

March 2022, the full-scale Russo-Ukrainian War just reached its first month. Stanley stumbled across the Ted-Ed video "Where did Russia come from?", if you watch that video, you will see what the potato character was inspired from.

Potato characters + information = PotatoNews.

That is the name origin.

Small Potatoes & Other Characters

In Antlerium PotatoNews, low-profile classes e.g. typical citizens are depicted as small potatoes. Sometimes, to show the nationality or ethnicity of a small potato, it may have some accessories.

On the other hand, high-profile figure such as world leaders, successful businessmen, celebrities and other famous figures will be drawed as proper humans.

Where are the articles from March 2022 to May 2023?

When the website was launched, the theme of PotatoNews is not that confined. It was a mess. Also, without the refined workflow we developed in June 2023, the quality of old articles cannot satisfy us.
This is a brutal and resigning change we decided to take. We pulled down all articles, reviewed them, chose some of them to rewrite and repost. Even if the article is written "published in 2023", it is still possible that the topic is from the older posts.

For example: from the technically first article Interesting Facts about Religions(2022-03-29), we produced: