5 Tricks For Speed Reading Like A Pro

When you have a tight reading schedule, tricks for speed reading can help a lot. You may feel a little scared of speed reading, but the fact is that using a few tricks is enough to speed up your reading time.

Here are 5 tricks for speed reading. You can try all of them or some of them. Do them seriously, and you will see the result very quick.

This is Antlerium PotatoNews, a series focusing on the daily lives of ordinary people, including life tips. Today we explore the tricks for speed reading.

5 Tricks For Speed Reading Like A Pro

1. Read with pointer

Use your pen or finger to point what you are reading, and force your eyes to catch up your pointer.

The faster you want yourself to read, the faster you need to move your pointer.

When you implement this strategy, always move your pointer at a constant speed. You are forcing yourself to speed read, if you adjust the speed of pointer depending on your mind, you can hardly speed up.

If you want more details, you can read an article from Speed Reading Lounge about hand pacing.

Summary of the first of the tricks for speed reading: read with pointer

2. Hold the reading material with a far distance

To speed up reading without exacerbating eye movements, hold reading material away from your eyes.

This can widen your horizon, allow you to see more words, and therefore speed up your reading without speeding up eye movement.

I recommend holding the book an elbow's distance from your chest and looking down at the book. Don't bow your head, please sit straight and keep your neck straight.

Summary of the second of the tricks for speed reading: distancing

3. Silent reading: Don't let the inner voice distract you

Usually, when you read, there is a voice inside your head repeating what you read. If you want speed reading, you must stop this voice.

Stop your brain from generating vocal repetition, and you can allocate more brain resources to your sight, speeding up the speed at which your brain processes visual information.

This trick is known as "silent reading". Among this list of tricks for speed reading, this technique is the easiest to perform, but expert suggests that fluency must be achieved first before starting it.

Summary of the third of the tricks for speed reading: silent reading

4. Avoid repetition

Keep reading in sequence, don't go back and reread. You can reread, but you must do that after you digest the whole material once.

I do not believe anyone can digest everything from a book that they only read once. Reread is inevitable. But the reason we do speed reading is to optimize our time on the first read.

Therefore, when you read something for the first time, avoid repetition. Only when you complete the whole thing you can reread it.

5. Protect your eyes

In the end, if your eyes are in poor condition, none of the above matters. Your eyestrain makes it difficult for you to process visual information. No matter how hard you try to focus, the state of your eyes can ditch all of your dedication.

There are different ways to improve eye health. You can follow the list I made earlier when talking about improving eye health through exercise.

You should also prevent dry eye syndrome at all costs. Learn more about dry eye syndrome in another article.

The most important trick among the tricks for speed reading is keeping your eye sharp.

More tricks for speed reading

  • Know more about the topic so you can skip the parts that you know.
  • Read with proper lighting.
  • Avoid noice.
  • Avoid distraction.


Your time is precious, you must use tricks for speed reading so you can spend less time on reading. Most of these tricks can be performed easily, but the most important thing is to get used to them.

Try to read with a pointer, keep the material far away, practice silent reading, prevent rereading, and maintain eye health.

Share how you improve your reading speed using these tricks.

These are the tricks for speed reading. To learn more about life tips or other topics related to our ordinary life, make sure to follow PotatoNews. We will also post some cliffsnotes on our socials, make sure to follow them.

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