
Nowadays, we all have computers or smartphones. When we have to input texts, we have to use keyboards. However, it is weird that all keyboards are in a specific standard, and there are a lot of languages in the world, people will different language all use the same keyboard standard.

Why do we all use the same style of keyboard, English keyboard? Why can we not see other designs for different languages?

This is Antlerium PotatoNews, a series focusing on the daily lives of ordinary people, including objects. Today we explore keyboard, the computer input tool that is weirdly standardized for all language.

Why Are All Keyboards English Keyboards?

Keyboard design issue actually begins before the computer age

The development of keyboard design began before the invention of the computer. Starting with the typewriter's invention, people started to struggle with the button layout.

Typewriters use metal keyboards, which are not only difficult to type on compared to modern keyboards, but are also prone to jamming.

To solve this issue, American inventor Christopher Sholes invented QWERTY keyboard in the 1870s. Typewriters using QWERTY design started to mass produce in 1874, turning QWERTY into the most mainstream keyboard layout.

QWERTY is not the only design for English keyboards, even Christopher Sholes did not settle for QWERTY, inventing other designs afterwards. However, since later designs could not compete with the already dominating QWERTY, they never took off.

How English keyboard dominate the world

Dominating the English world is one thing, how come this design spread to people who are using other languages? Why they accept QWERTY?

The answer is very simple: British and American hegemony. These two Anglophone countries consecutively dominated the world for 3 centuries, turning English into international commercial language.

If you are a French business owner running an international business in the 19th Century, and you know the British Empire is the biggest market, the biggest source of income, you will definitely adopt English.

And if you are a Chinese business owner running an international business nowadays, and you know the United States is the biggest market, the biggest source of income, you will definitely adopt English.

English has dominated for so long that it is widely used in business, IT, diplomacy, academia, international organizations and so much more.

Since English is used globally, the QWERTY keyboard can spread to everywhere and dominate the world.

All keyboards are for English, and foreigners choose to adopt them.

Why they don't switch designs? Why they don't invent a keyboard design for their languages?

Why don't we design a language-specific keyboard

There are multiple reasons for us not to invent a language-specific keyboard.

Reason 1: Customary

QWERTY keyboards have been around for a long time and people have gotten used to this arrangement. Even though other keyboard designs exist, most people still prefer to use their familiar QWERTY keyboard.

Reason 2: Compatibility

Since the QWERTY keyboard has become the standard, many software and hardware devices have been optimized for this arrangement. This makes it less practical to switch to other keyboard designs, as they may not be compatible with existing software and hardware.

Reason 3: Economic consideration

Most keyboard manufacturers produce QWERTY keyboards because there is a greater market demand for them. This leaves options for other keyboard designs limited.

Keyboard is international, not just for English

When we ask the reason why all keyboards have the same layout even though users are with different languages, we have to consider the benefit of the standardization, and the compromises people made.

It is great for us to learn QWERTY layout alone and then able to use keyboards from any countries. If we really want to type foreign language, we just need to switch input system.

This is the reason behind QWERTY keyboard domination. To learn more about daily live objects or other topics related to our ordinary life, make sure to follow PotatoNews. We will also post some cliffsnotes on our socials, make sure to follow them.


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